About the Journal

Venue - exchange of thoughts and knowledge about pre-school and school

The English word Venue can be translated as arena, meeting place, scene of events or action. Nowotny, Scotts, and Gibbons1  use similar concepts from the Greek language as they argue for the importance of a meeting place between science and society, where dialogue is a central aspect.


Through the net journal Venue, Linköping University wishes to stimulate colleagues working in school, as well as colleagues in educational research at universities and colleges, to participate in a qualified exchange of thoughts and knowledge, by describing experiences and research related to pre-school and school. In Venue you will be able to publish, comment on, and develop different kinds of descriptions of proved experiences as well as scientific studies. The text should be an expression of comprehensible order of thought. VENUE intends to continuously publish various kinds of texts, in order to make topical debate possible and, thus, form a contrast to more time consuming publication processes.

Target groups

Children’s nurses, Heads of Pre-school, Pre-school teachers, School teachers, Teacher educators, Educationists, Professional development staff, Head Teachers, Students, Educational researchers, School administrators, as well as journalists and public debaters.

Editorial staff

The editorial staff will support those who want to publish their texts in Venue. The easiest way is to write your text in the down-loadable template an submit it to the editors. The editors will read the text, and you will get a message regarding time of publication and whether or not the text needs some adjustments before it is published.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Journal History

Linköpings universitet vill med nättidskriften Venue stimulera verksamma inom skolvärlden och utbildningsforskare till ett kvalificerat tanke- och kunskapsutbyte genom beskrivningar av erfarenheter och forskning om förskola och skola.

I Venue kan du publicera, kommentera och utveckla olika slags beskrivningar av beprövad erfarenhet och vetenskapliga studier. Texten skall vara ett uttryck för begriplig tankereda. Venue avser att löpande publicera olika slags texter för att möjliggöra aktuell debatt och stå i kontrast till långsamma publikationsprocesser.


1 Nowotny, H., Scott, P., & Gibbons, M. (2001). Re-Thinking Science: Knowledge and the Public in an Age of Uncertainty. Cambridge: Polity Press.