Published 2024-03-25
- forskarskola,
- förskola
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Copyright (c) 2024 Niklas Pramling

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
In this special issue of Venue, contributions from a Swedish national research school for preschool teachers entitled, National research school on contemporary challenges to early childhood education and care (ReCEC, funded by the Swedish Research Council, dnr. 2017–06035) are presented. In this introductory text, I briefly introduce (i) what a research school is, (ii) this particular research school, and (iii) the topics of the included articles. Then follows the four contributions written by former PhD students of the research school.
Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Svenska.
- Nuthall, G. (2004). Relating classroom teaching to student learning: A critical analysis of why research has failed to bridge the theory-practice gap. Harvard Educational Review, 74(3), 273–306.
- Pramling, I. (1994). Kunnandets grunder. Prövning av en fenomenografisk ansats till att utveckla barns sätt att uppfatta sin omvärld (Göteborg Studies in Educational Sciences, 94). Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis.
- Pramling, N., & Pramling Samuelsson, I. (2020). Introduktion – forskning, verksamhetsutveckling och kollektiv agency. I I. Pramling Samuelsson & N. Pramling (Red.), Förskollärares egen forskning: Praktiska exempel (ss. 13–20). Studentlitteratur.
- Pramling Samuelsson, I., & Pramling, N. (Red.). (2020). Förskollärares egen forskning: Praktiska exempel. Studentlitteratur.
- Pramling Samuelsson, I., & Tallberg Broman, I., & (Red.). (2013). Barndom, lärande och ämnesdidaktik. Studentlitteratur.
- Säljö, R. (2020). Den lärande människan – teoretiska traditioner. I U. P. Lundgren, R. Säljö & C. Liberg (Red.), Lärande, skola, bildning: Grundbok för lärare (5:e utg., ss. 225 – 286). Natur och Kultur.