Vol. 25 (2024): Venue
Venue Articles

Alternativa sätt att beskriva nyblivna lärare

Henrik Lindqvist
Linköpings universitet
Geert Kelchtermans
KU Leuven

Published 2024-12-09


  • Newly qualified teachers,
  • Mentoring

How to Cite

Lindqvist, H., & Kelchtermans, G. (2024). Alternativa sätt att beskriva nyblivna lärare. Venue, 25. Retrieved from https://venue.ep.liu.se/article/view/5282


There are many examples in research and media about the hardships connected to being a new teacher. Over the past three decades educational policy has developed and implemented different forms of support for new teachers. Most common are forms of mentoring, where a more experienced teacher advises younger colleagues. Despite good intentions, supportive practices have often been caught up in a deficit thinking and a remedial perspective, which has several negative and even counterproductive side effects. This article focuses on three alternative representations of early career teachers described by Kelchtermans (2019). These representations include the early career teacher as a sense-making agent, as a networker and as an asset to the school.

Full-text of the article is available for this locale: Svenska.


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